The Community Health Educators (CHEs) reached the community people at Gurugram vthrough 410 home visits this month. The CHEs discussed various topics during their visits that included safe motherhood, birth preparedness and importance of family planning, immunization, importance of education, reproductive health, hygiene and saving money through Self Help Groups (SHGs). Through these visits the CHEs observe and assess the home situation which aid in getting the comprehensive profile of the community.
Swabhiman, meaning self-respect in English, was initiated in 2005 to address these challenges through a simple yet effective approach. The programme is specifically aimed at realization of both individual and collective self-esteem and inner strength for marginalised and socially excluded women and adolescent girls through innovative community practices.
Smile Foundation is an NGO in India directly benefitting over 400,000 children and their families every year, through more than 200 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, in over 950 remote villages and slums across 25 states of India.