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Having a peaceful mind: World Mental Health Day 2024

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Having a peaceful mind: World Mental Health Day 2024
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  • Having a peaceful mind: World Mental Health Day 2024

What provides greater joy than discovering peace in the little things in life, when your thoughts are clear and your mind is concentrated on what you’re doing? Perhaps it’s grabbing a cup of coffee in the morning, having a fancy lunch with your coworkers during a busy workday, going for a run after a demanding day or preparing your favourite dinner at the end of the day. Our tiny steps of achieving inner peace are to discover contentment and calm in otherwise mundane, everyday routines.

A calm and peaceful mind may feel like a friend you don’t often find in our ever-fast culture. At a time, when hustle culture has been glorified to be the only way to feel “productive” in life, we’re often exhausted and worn out from its commotion and grind. We don’t have enough time for the things that are meaningful to us, the things we truly want to accomplish, the activities we like doing and the time we spend with our loved ones.

However, things don’t have to always work that way. One might choose to lead a simpler life, where they take pleasure in every task, are present in most of their activities, and are content rather than racing through tasks to get them done. And that is where the journey to feeling inner peace begins.

A peaceful mind – a better mental healthWorld Mental Health Day 2024

On this World Mental Health Day 2024, let’s make peace of mind at workplaces a priority.

Keeping the mind, body, soul and spirit youthful is essential to maintaining a peaceful and healthy mind. Managing a lot of stress in today’s fast-paced existence and finding some kind of tranquillity seems to be getting harder and harder. But let’s remember that peace of mind is very closely connected with your mental health because it helps you to make smarter choices, manage stress and anxiety, and stay positive even when life gets tough. 

When you feel calm, you feel more centred and you’re going to be much better equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way. When you feel centred and at ease with yourself and your surroundings, you are probably far more capable of managing obstacles that are constant. You’re also much more likely to have healthy relationships, develop good communication skills, and a sense of purpose in your life.

On the other hand, a lack of peace of mind can cause you to feel overburdened and tense, which can result in a variety of mental health issues like PTSD, depression and anxiety. It may also negatively impact your physical well-being, leading to conditions like hypertension and cardiac disorders. 

One of the most effective ways to cultivate and preserve a sense of peace of mind is to be true to yourself and make your own decisions about the world and your life. To do this deed, you must travel within and locate the areas of yourself that require forgiveness, acceptance, healing and numerous self-loving acts that promote inner peace.

Help yourself and feel at peace

You see, life shall always be unpredictable. From time to time various challenges will surface, complicating your daily routine and leaving you anxious, drained, or even afraid. As the normal practice goes, Ignoring those feelings to just get on with things generally doesn’t help in the long run. Suppressed emotions can intensify, leaving you far less calm down the line.

Instead, practising acceptance has a far-reaching impact. Accepting your ideas and feelings, and feeling calm with them, is an effective way to find peace in your situation. It might take some time to develop the habit of acceptance because it’s human nature to have the desire to run from pain. But with acceptance on the other hand, you’ll probably notice that you’re feeling more at ease as it grows on you. 

In the same vein, practising the act of self-forgiveness is a way to nurture peace of mind. It won’t do much good to hold onto slights or resentments to aid your inner serenity. In the end, letting go could help you in more ways than you may imagine by forgiving oneself; this takes acceptance, tolerance, and compassion.

Further, why not attempt mindfulness meditation for mental clarity? This age-old Hindu practice has several potential advantages, some of which include improved brain chemistry, lowered stress levels and enhanced self-awareness. Research indicates that practicing mindfulness meditation in particular might help people become more aware of their current situation, whether it’s happy or painful. It generally aids in the management of emotional discomfort – a vital regulator for your peace of mind.

Pledge for peace this World Mental Health Day 2024

Communication can also contribute to achieving peace of mind by letting it all out and sharing what’s pent up. Talking is an integral component of balanced mental health. And if you ever feel the need to seek help, talk, and have a clearer mind that’s more peaceful, seek out professional help.

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