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Diwali 2022– Significance of the Festival of Light and Love

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Diwali 2022– Significance of the Festival of Light and Love
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  • Diwali 2022– Significance of the Festival of Light and Love

Diwali– A celebration of the power of good over evil and light over darkness. A day to exchange heartening smiles and little special gifts with friends, family, lovers, and even strangers. A day to get together and sit down to share delicious, filling food and share stories of good endings, humour and living it all– the highs and the lows. Diwali provides us joy and happiness each year. We eagerly anticipate spending time with friends and family and partaking in the festival of lights. Light– a representation of wisdom and consciousness. 


This Diwali 2022, we can do more good. Let’s improve the world for both ourselves and others this Diwali. Let’s improve the lives of kids from at-risk neighbourhoods. What other occasion is more appropriate to express our care and affection for the most vulnerable children than Diwali? What better moment could be there to sponsor a child, change their life and the communities they are raised in? Let’s change a child’s wellbeing for the better this Diwali 2022.


Here are 4 ways that your Diwali festival donations will improve the lives of young people from low-income families:




We want our children to go to the best schools and universities, don’t we? We want them to dream big and achieve bigger things in their lives. That is why it is crucial to make sure that children have access to a high-quality education. Easy access to schools designed with children in mind is most desirable. Children must be transformed if society is to undergo the change we desire. 


Donating to a child’s education helps them learn not just how to read, write, and count, but also ideals that can contribute to the creation of a more compassionate society. Education helps a kid become a responsible, proactive and creative individual who makes positive and significant contributions. A youngster has the potential to improve the world when they are educated and act in line with their ambitions of helping the society and humanity as a whole.




Too many kids might be subjected to violence, injustice, or both. It is impossible to understand the mental anguish endured by children who are at danger and children who have survived. We are aware of situations in which families have rejected children who have survived abuse and violence.

The urgent interventions you will fund have child protection at their top of the list. With your help, community-based monitoring of children at risk for child marriage and trafficking will be established, and the government’s child protection mechanisms, including schools, will be resolutely encouraged to take a proactive approach to protecting children. 


You will actively contribute towards the formation of youth collectives that will take part in local decision-making processes and solve problems that affect them all. Both as an individual and as a nation, children are our future. Your contribution will aid in establishing a secure environment for kids.




Among India, malnutrition ranks as one of the leading causes of mortality in children under the age of five. That’s heartbreaking. Although significant progress has been achieved in lowering mortality caused by starvation, much more needs to be done. The situation is still critical in many jurisdictions, particularly for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Malnutrition and health are serious problems that require community-based interventions in order to improve capacity for outreach. When you sponsor a kid, you lend your support to community-based initiatives that aid in the child’s healthy growth and development. Through your donation, hunger cases will receive priority attention and children in at-risk areas will have access to nutritious mid-day meals in schools.


A Fresh Outlook and Fresh Goals!


A powerful mental state that fosters happiness toward everything is hope. Donations provide children in at-risk areas with the hope for a better life and the aspirations of a better future. Your contribution not only changes the lives of the kid you sponsor, but also the lives of their families and communities. 


With your help, we can become more sensitive to the need to safeguard and nurture children, more supportive of one another, and more equipped to claim their legally protected rights and take advantage of government benefits. As a result, the community’s joint efforts with your help will bring about genuine change on the ground.


Celebrate Diwali 2022 differently this year by going above and beyond for underprivileged youngsters. Make a little gift to enable them to smile and make their lives happier. The satisfaction of enhancing young people’s lives will be unmatched. You can donate for child education and youth livelihood with the Smile Foundation and make their Diwali super special. It takes willpower and a little courage to do so much more! 


This Diwali,

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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