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Reminiscing Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on Teacher’s Day 2024

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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on Teacher’s Day
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  • Reminiscing Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on Teacher’s Day 2024

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is not an unknown name in the world. India’s 11th President, a scientist, teacher and most importantly a visionary who always encouraged students to learn from the heart and not mind. Dr. Kalam was always of the opinion that every child has the special ability to learn and thrive, the only difference is that every child may excel in different fields and therefore, they should not be caged into societal expectations. 

Getting inspired to do something with flights after spending a day with his teacher on the beach, Kalam sir’s journey has been nothing short of an inspirational journey for everyone. Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, India, and was a self-taught student with a passion for learning.

Raised in a modest family, he overcame financial challenges by studying aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology. Kalam joined India’s space and defence programs, contributing to developing missiles and satellite technology. He played a key role in India’s 1998 nuclear tests. In 2002, he became the 11th President of India, known as the “People’s President.”

After serving his term, he returned to teaching and writing. Kalam passed away on July 27, 2015, leaving a legacy of inspiration and innovation.

APJ Abdul Kalam- A Legacy to Learn from 

Ever wondered how after so many years of his passing away, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s name is enough to make someone believe in themselves, even in their lowest of times? It’s not that all of us met him or knew him personally, but even then we all feel a deep connection with him- why is that? 

Dr. Kalam’s teachings, which resonate across generations, remain a source of inspiration. On Teacher’s Day 2024, let us reflect on his invaluable wisdom: dreams are meant to be realised, but they demand hard work and perseverance. These are the essential elements that turn aspirations into reality, guiding both students and lifelong learners alike.

Inspirational Quotes by Dr. Kalam

“Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work”

Dr. Kalam, a distinguished aerospace engineer and rocket scientist, grasped the complex workings of the universe and galaxies. Yet, he also embraced the idea that life isn’t governed solely by scientific facts; we must also believe in the magic of the universe. He encouraged us to dream big and trust that the universe supports our aspirations. However, he emphasised that the universe expects us to back our dreams with intention and hard work. By dedicating ourselves fully, we align with the universe’s support and turn our dreams into reality.

“I will have great aim; I will continuously acquire knowledge; I will do hard work; and I will persevere and succeed”

Dr. A.P.J. Kalam’s four pillars of life serve as a guiding principle, urging students to dream big and tirelessly work towards their goals. He highlighted the importance of continually acquiring knowledge and persevering through challenges. Kalam believed that achieving greatness requires a constant commitment to learning and self-improvement. Recognising the difficulties of this journey, he emphasised the crucial role of perseverance. Through his own life and teachings, he demonstrated that persistent effort can lead to significant and lasting positive change.

“Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck

If one truly understands Dr. Kalam’s quotes, one would realise that he is one of the biggest cheerleaders when it comes to dreaming big and working hard. This quote from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam embodies his philosophy of perseverance and humility. He believed that while dreaming big and working hard are essential, one must never become complacent with success. According to Kalam, achieving a goal is just the beginning; the true test lies in consistently improving and setting new benchmarks. He encouraged students to view each victory not as a final destination but as a stepping stone toward even greater accomplishments. As expectations grow, so does the responsibility to continue striving and evolving. Kalam’s message was clear: sustained effort and a commitment to continuous growth are crucial for turning success into a lasting legacy.

Remembering Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam- Smile’s Way

Inspired by the teachings of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Smile Foundation is committed to applying his vision in our efforts to empower underserved communities across India. Our mission is to provide quality education, health, and livelihood opportunities to children and their families.

Through our flagship program, Mission Education, we align with the National Education Policy to build strong foundational skills in language, numeracy, and STEAM subjects, setting a solid base for the future. Our Smile On Wheels units offer essential medical services, including OPD care, point-of-care tests, and free medications, while the Swabhiman program focuses on women’s health education. Additionally, STeP and Swabhiman provide vocational training to boost employability and entrepreneurship.

Our goal is to spread smiles by enhancing education, health, and livelihood opportunities, breaking the cycle of economic stagnation and helping underserved communities realise their dreams. In honouring the legacy of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Smile Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of underserved children and their families. We believe that by embracing Dr. Kalam’s principles of dreaming big and persevering, we as a society can help these innocent and talented children with the opportunities and resources they need for building a dignified and safe life for themselves and their families.

Join us to give an underserved child the chance to start dreaming and persevere to make those dreams come true.

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