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Partners In Change

Atmanirbhar Bharat: Making Community-based Organisations self-reliable

India, with its vast and diverse population, faces significant socio-economic challenges, including extreme poverty affecting 34.4 million people. Many struggle with limited access to education, healthcare and livelihood opportunities. In this context, community-based organisations (CBOs) become indispensable allies. They operate at the grassroots level, bridging gaps and empowering marginalised communities to build self-sufficient and sustainable progress. 

Atmanirbhar Bharat envisions strengthening these grassroots efforts to help advance local development. This article explores how CBOs, supported by organisations like the Smile Foundation, can become self-reliable agents of change in the pursuit of a self-sufficient India.

Understanding Atmanirbhar Bharat

Atmanirbhar Bharat, translated as “Self-Reliant India”, is an ambitious initiative launched by the government of India to transform India into a self-sufficient and resilient nation. Announced on May 12, 2020, this vision emphasises the need for economic self-reliance and local empowerment. Atmanirbhar Bharat is a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing India’s self-sufficiency across various sectors. 

The initiative revolves around five key pillars: Economy, Infrastructure, System, Vibrant Demography and Demand. These pillars are designed to build a robust economic framework, enhance infrastructure, streamline systems, leverage India’s demographic advantage and stimulate domestic demand. The core objective is to reduce dependency on imports and bolster domestic production, which in turn will boost economic growth.

By supporting small and medium enterprises, investing in infrastructure, and fostering skill development, Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to build a robust, self-sustaining economy and ensure viable, equitable growth for all communities. For community-based organisations, this vision provides an opportunity to align their efforts with national goals. By focusing on local empowerment and resourcefulness, these organisations can contribute significantly to achieving the broader objectives of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Role of Community-based Organisations in Atmanirbhar Bharat

Community-based organisations (CBOs) are grassroots entities that operate at the local level to address specific needs and challenges within their neighborhoods, facilitating engagement and collaboration. They ensure that government welfare programmes and policies effectively reach the most underserved communities. They work to improve quality of life by providing resources, support and advocacy tailored to their community’s unique context. These organisations, often founded and run by local visionaries, possess an innate understanding of community needs. 

Community-based Organisations support Atmanirbhar Bharat by

  • Empowering Local Communities: Through various initiatives, CBOs enhance local capacities and skills, enabling communities to become independent and economically stable.
  • Promoting Indigenous Solutions: They offer tailored solutions that address the unique needs of their communities, thereby reducing dependency on external resources.
  • Driving Economic Development: By supporting local businesses and entrepreneurship, CBOs stimulate economic activity and create job opportunities.

However, despite their crucial role, community-based organisations often face significant challenges, such as,

  • Funding Constraints: Many CBOs struggle with securing consistent and adequate funding, which hampers their ability to expand and maintain their programmes.
  • Capacity Building: Limited resources and expertise can hinder the ability of CBOs to build their organisational capacity and implement effective solutions.
  • Bureaucratic Hurdles: Navigating complex regulatory environments and bureaucratic processes can be challenging for grassroots organizations.

How does Smile Foundation play its part for community-based organisations?

Smile Foundation, rooted in the ethos of social justice and inclusivity, champions the cause of Atmanirbhar Bharat through its unwavering support to community-based organisations. Our approach goes beyond providing financial aid and includes skill development, mentorship and advocacy to equip these organisations with the tools they need to succeed independently.

By cultivating autonomy among CBOs, we catalyse positive change at the grassroots level. At the core of this movement lies the belief that local solutions yield lasting results. By leveraging indigenous knowledge and solidarity among community members, these local organisations drive significant change, tackling deep-rooted inequalities and promoting inclusive growth.

Empowering Grassroots

Empowering Grassroots, a programme by Smile Foundation, supports the Government of India’s Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative. This programme helps grassroots social entrepreneurs become self-sustaining and less reliant on external resources. It enhances the efficiency of their welfare operations and encourages the use of local resources. We assists CBOs in two main ways:

1. Matching Grants: We provide critical investments to support the sustainability of social initiatives and encourages local fundraising.

2. Support and Capacity Building: We enhance CBOs’ organisational planning and local fundraising capabilities through effective communication, monitoring and reporting systems. Training covers areas such as good governance, leadership, project management, communication, local action and resource mobilisation.

Unlike traditional grant-making, this approach builds partner capacity throughout the project. It goes beyond one-time training sessions by helping partners apply and uphold their new skills. Matching grants also increase the social return on investment by doubling donor contributions and enhancing community ownership.

Success Stories

BMV Education Trust, a primary school in Bhakthrahalli, Karnataka, founded by Kalappa Lakshmaiah and friends, aimed to provide quality education within the village. When this school risked closure in 2008, Smile Foundation intervened by offering essential facilities like transportation, computer labs, libraries, nutritious meals, sports and extracurricular activities. Today, BMV continues to thrive as a fully operational school.

The Way Forward

As India navigates the complexities of development, the role of CBOs becomes increasingly pivotal. They are the architects of change, advocating for sustainable practices, preserving cultural heritage and promoting inclusive policies. Smile Foundation stands shoulder to shoulder with these organisations, offering financial aid, capacity building and other necessary support.

In conclusion, the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat through CBOs, captures the essence of empowerment and resilience. It highlights the lasting impact of community-driven efforts and the significant role of grassroots leadership. With strong commitment and continuous support, we are working towards a fairer and more sustainable future where each community can flourish independently. Together, we embark on a journey towards an Atmanirbhar Bharat, where self-reliance is a reality nurtured by the collective strength of empowered communities and organisations like ours.

To learn more about forging a partnership with Smile on Empowering Grassroots, write to us at [email protected]

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