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Partners In Change

Why should school students volunteer for fundraising?

As a school student, what thoughts weigh on your mind when you wake up in the morning? Perhaps you are anxious about your maths teacher’s reaction to your unfinished algebra homework. Or maybe, you’re contemplating skipping class today because your best friend confided in a late-night text that she plans to do the same, having also left her homework incomplete. Or could it be that you are yearning to break free from the monotony of daily life, craving a day to reflect on your future aspirations? Whether you dream of becoming a pilot, a doctor, an engineer, or something as unique as a connoisseur or a traveller, the urge to take a day off can be compelling.

But today, let’s consider something different. Let’s skip school, not out of a desire to procrastinate within those stark, white walls, but to ponder the lives of other children our age who are not as fortunate as we are.

Does volunteering for NGOs make a difference?

In our nation, threads of prosperity and promise are intertwined with strands of poverty and despair. An India that you live in, is glamorous, blingy and filled with opportunities, and a Hindustan, where the only light that reaches is from the Sun. Where the floodgates of basic necessities are yet to be opened let alone be opportunities. Amidst all this upheaval, the young and vulnerable often find themselves on the fringes, yearning for a chance at a better life. For students in India, the call to volunteer for fundraising to aid children who do not have enough is not just a noble endeavour but a profound responsibility. This act of altruism holds the power to transform lives, both for those who receive help and those who extend it.

Volunteering for NGOs for the sole purpose of fundraising is a transformative journey encircling empathy, personal growth, and societal change. It is not only a charitable act.

When we engage in fundraising activities, we become immersed in and profoundly touched by the struggles of impoverished children. Understanding the hardships faced by a child whose sole aspiration is to attend school, or a child battling malnutrition without access to adequate food, is the first step towards addressing and eradicating these issues. 

Recognising and acknowledging the existence of a problem is crucial to finding a solution. Moving forward, we should no longer refer to it as charity or help – instead, we should start addressing it as our shared duty to humanity, because every child deserves a chance at a brighter future.

If you have even a little more, then share

In a world where some children have unlimited chances and privileges, many others confront insurmountable challenges. This dramatic contrast highlights the value of empathy and action. Children, with their unlimited energy and compassion, have a unique opportunity to make a major difference in the lives of their less fortunate peers.

Consider waking up every day with no guarantee of a meal, access to education, or the security of a safe home. Millions of youngsters around the world face this hard reality. They are denied not only their fundamental necessities, but also the opportunity to dream, learn, and grow in a supportive environment. This is where more fortunate children’s empathy and actions can have a transforming impact.

Youngsters supporting other youngsters has a butterfly effect. When young people take action to help others of the same age group, they build a sense of community and duty that crosses geographical and social divides. It teaches kids essential life values such as kindness, humility, and the value of giving back. They discover that they can be change agents, capable of positively impacting the lives of others.

Consider the powerful influence that even modest acts of kindness may have. Volunteering for NGOs in fundraising efforts, school supply drives, or simply raising awareness about the predicament of disadvantaged children can result in significant change. These activities not only provide immediate comfort, but also help to build long-term solutions by promoting education, healthcare, and overall well-being.

Furthermore, children helping children imbibes empathy in them from an early age, resulting in a generation that values compassion and fairness. It instils in them the belief that every child, regardless of circumstance, deserves an equal opportunity to have a happy and fulfilling life. This perspective is essential for creating a more egalitarian and just society in the future.

Be rich in every way

Finally, rich children have a wonderful aptitude and chance to help their less fortunate peers. They not only transform people’s lives but also bridge understanding and compassion. If nourished, this altruistic spirit has the ability to create a world in which every child can thrive, dream, and realise their full potential. The phrase goes, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Let us inspire our children to discover themselves through acts of kindness and service, resulting in a brighter future for everyone, by volunteering for NGOs.

Become a volunteer with Smile Foundation and create the change that you hope to see in the world today.

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