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Focusing On The Wants Of Indian Youth

“You are the future of this country!” This is probably one of the most common phrases the new young adults hear from their elders. But is the “future” of the country satisfied with how their voices are heard? We sure do have a lot of opinions on what they need but do we know what they want?

The youth of a nation holds the key to its future, and in a country like India, where nearly half the population is under the age of 25, their aspirations and needs are of utmost importance. While there is often a focus on what the youth needs, it is equally essential to understand what they want. That is the foundation of youth empowerment.

Beyond the lure of hefty paycheques, the Indian youth seeks secure and fulfilling employment that prioritizes skill development, emotional well-being and growth opportunities. Let’s delve into the desires and expectations of the Indian youth regarding jobs, skill development, guidance, and the need for individuality.

Job Preferences Beyond Paycheques for Youth Empowerment

Gone are the days when the sole criteria for job satisfaction were financial rewards. Today, the youth seeks more holistic considerations when choosing a career path. Financial stability remains important, but it is not limited to a high salary. Stability in job positions and the balance between income and cost of living are crucial factors too. Moreover, the youth values growth opportunities within a company, considering whether it offers upward mobility and the chance for personal development.

The Weight of Skills and Paycheques

Contrary to the past, Indian youth today are not solely focused on early family support. Many prefer to pursue higher education and augment their skill sets. While a higher salary may be enticing, the youth place great value on jobs that provide opportunities for upskilling.

A monotonous work environment that lacks avenues for growth and learning can leave them unsatisfied. Skill development not only benefits individuals but also contributes to the overall progress of the country, making it imperative for the government, the development sector and private entities to bridge the gap by providing skill-oriented opportunities.

The Need for Proper Guidance

To prepare the youth for the world, adequate assistance and guidance are essential. It is crucial to address the development of basic skill sets, especially in rural areas. Government schemes that promote quality education across the country are vital for comprehensive growth.

Additionally, career guidance seminars and interactions with educated and experienced individuals are necessary. With the constant emergence of new opportunities, the youth requires guidance to navigate the changing landscape successfully. Policies related to higher education and immigration, as well as labor laws, play a significant role and must be favorable to foster youth growth.

Freedom from Imposed Ideals

Youth desires independence from societal norms and expectations. Restrictions such as the lack of menstrual leaves, biases against pregnant women, and taboos surrounding tattoos and piercings need to be addressed. The youth seeks an environment free from gender discrimination, limiting mindsets, and the pressure to conform to predefined notions of success. They yearn for individuality and the freedom to make their own choices.

Last Note for Youth Empowerment

As the youth strives to find their place in society and contribute meaningfully, they seek guidance, support, and open-mindedness from everyone around them. While they may not possess the same level of skills and experience as others, their potential and determination to become the best version of themselves should be recognized and nurtured. Listening to their perspectives and understanding their aspirations is crucial for their success.

Understanding the desires of the Indian youth goes beyond monetary considerations. They seek jobs that provide security, growth opportunities, and a focus on skill development. Proper guidance, accessible education, favorable government policies, and freedom from societal constraints are essential for their holistic development. By acknowledging and supporting the aspirations of the youth, India can empower its future leaders and create a society that thrives on their unique talents and contributions.

Smile Foundation and Youth Empowerment

Our livelihood programme, STeP(Smile Twin e-Learning Programme) opens ups upskilling and job opportunities for the youth of underserved communities. With courses spread out in Healthcare, BFSI, BPO, Retail Management, Digital Marketing and Employability, the programme is designed to complement the current market trends and make future employees adequately competent for their roles.

Beyond the data of 56000 youth placed out of 90000 youth trained in the programme, the idea is to have a more than decent standard of living and jobs that are satisfactory on multiple levels for our youth. Consider making a small donation here to make Indian youth more employable and place them in industries of strong market value and make India one of the countries with the highest employment rates in the world.

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