In our quest to touch the lives of as many students as possible digitally while schools remain shut due to the pandemic, we at Child for Child have realized that teachers are proving to be the pillars of e-learning. They have adopted unknown platforms, adapted to the new normal, mentored their students while also working from home. They may not be the frontline warriors technically, yet they have during these unprecedented times stepped up and picked up the mantel of continuing with education that had completely stopped due to closure of schools. Come rain, hail or sunshine, teachers have continued in their tryst towards spreading knowledge from home, under tents or even going to school and taking online classes from computer labs if there was poor net connectivity at home.
At CFC we decided to support the teachers if not physically then mentally. We wanted to ensure that they in their journey of spreading the light of knowledge were also looked after. So we felt that we should assist them in their mental wellbeing.
World Health organization defines Mental wellbeing as the state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work fruitfully & productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Going by this definition we felt that stress is what needs to be eased for the teachers. They are surrounded by house work, school work and multiple chores as also, preparation for their e-classes.
To facilitate this we spoke with Isha Foundation and asked them if they could be our partners in organizing sessions for teachers across different schools. Isha Foundation under the guidance of Sadhguru has become over time a support stem for many people across the world. The volunteers at Isha Foundation while continuing with their daily lives diligently devote few days and certain number of hours to “Sadhana”as well as organizing sessions for their audience online globally.
They provided us with a repertoire of programs for the wellbeing of teachers, students and parents. We then started to reach out to schools with our programs such that they can choose what is best for their teachers & school staff. And, Yoga for Peace was one such program that clicked well with teachers.
This is a one hour session which has certain pre requisites like being on a relatively light stomach before doing the kriyas as also being in a setup where there is no disturbance of any kind. It involves nadi shudhi and meditation for close to 45 minutes interspersed with Q&As so that participants are able to perform the asanas with ease.
We had some teachers who felt very relaxed after the session, some who wanted to know more about it & to make it a part of their daily practice, while some due to prior health issues found the going tough. Whatever the takeaways, the session on Yoga for Peace, true to its name, successfully for over 45 minutes, provided peace & calm to all participants. Those who were finding it tough were provided solutions to make it simpler for them. Then those teachers who felt that it was time to start focusing on their self wellbeing were inspired by the session to pick up the journey of Yoga as a way for life for themselves.
We,at CFC, believe that if we can help in bettering the lives & state of mental being for even one person we are successful in our endeavours and efforts to reach out to our beneficiaries.
To know more about the CFC programme visit