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What Can We Do Differently With Upskilling?

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What Can We Do Differently With Upskilling?

According to PwC, 93% of CEOs who implement upskilling programmes see improved retention as well as increased productivity. The same source revealed that implementing digital training and education programmes resulted in significantly higher employee engagement levels. If your workforce lacks the full set of skills required to do their jobs properly, you will either be in trouble or, if you choose to construct your upskilling programme in the right way, you will be celebrating your successes.

Identifying the specific new skills your workforce lacks or the existing capabilities they need to enhance can be quite challenging. As a result, there is a lot of uncertainty about the best methods for developing these skills effectively. It’s essential to create a thorough upskilling plan that allows for the development of skills at the necessary pace to stay relevant, efficient and effective in the global market.

Why Companies Are Upskilling!

It can be very challenging to find the best people to hire, so companies often invest a significant amount of money into hiring services to attract qualified candidates. However, external recruiting can be costly and time-consuming. Many companies are realising that their current employees already possess valuable skills that are in demand or could acquire these skills with the appropriate training, as they aim to retain their top talent. Let’s read on to see what are the essentials of upskilling and how it can be done differently.

Analysing the Skill Gap Is a Must

We must first understand the reasons for our gaps before attempting to analyse them. Otherwise, our efforts to improve and our energy could be wasted. First, it’s important to align with your business and team goals and ensure a thorough understanding of them. 

This is crucial as it sets the stage for the subsequent steps. Begin by identifying your business and team goals and translating them into actionable steps. Additionally, it’s beneficial to assess if decent progress is already being made towards a particular goal, enhancing the training of select team members could expedite its attainment—a quick win strategy.

Think ahead 

Planning for the future is crucial. By investing in the ongoing development of your employees, you can cultivate a culture of innovation, increase job satisfaction and loyalty and enhance productivity. Adapt to changes by staying informed about industry research, studies and surveys. A data-driven comprehension of the skills required by your organisation will enhance your readiness for the future.

Personalise your learning and upskilling programmes

The structure of each upskilling programme should be customised to accommodate the workforce’s specific needs. Certain factors must considered for upskilling programmes: 

  • The current level of knowledge and skills among the employees.
  • Establish personalised upskilling paths for each employee by their skills assessment and the organisation’s skill requirements. 
  • Offer a variety of learning options and empower employees to select the method that is most appropriate for their learning style and requirements.
  • Monitor the advancement of each employee and modify the upskilling path as necessary. 
  • The efficacy of upskilling efforts can be improved by utilising a variety of training modalities, including on-the-job training, workshops and online courses, to accommodate a wide range of learning preferences.

Keep it engaging 

People learn through observation, collaboration and sharing experiences with peers, mentors or communities, rather than learning alone. This can involve guiding them through theory, allowing them to shadow calls, participating in simulated client meetings and troubleshooting workplace challenges. 

Create low-stress practice environments

Establish practice environments that are minimal in stress.
Segment your upskilling programmes to ensure that the training is divided into distinct courses, rather than being comprehensively covered in a single course. This is microlearning, which concentrates on the acquisition of micro-sized pieces of information. These bitesize training modules are both quick and simple to consume, allowing your employees to continue their daily tasks without interruption while learning.

This has the potential to enhance engagement and alleviate the tension that can occasionally accompany training requirements. It is effective for certain learners; however, it can be distressing and isolating for others. One potential solution to these challenges is to incorporate social components into your online training. This could manifest as group activities, achievement-sharing features, or messaging features that enable learners to engage with their peers and instructors.

Offer On-demand content

Provide content that is available for immediate consumption, like employees may require information to use immediately during emergencies. This is where the concept of microlearning resurfaces in the context of upskilling. Individuals must have the ability to access the resources they require on demand. You may conduct monthly live sessions on vital subjects.

In conclusion, we must refrain from viewing technology as the sole solution. We are all human beings. We employ a variety of methods for upskilling, but it is crucial to consider the human aspect to develop a distinctive approach to upskilling.

Smile Foundation’s skilling programme Smile Twin e-Learning Programme (STeP) is dedicated to empowering underserved communities by equipping individuals with market-relevant skills and creating sustainable livelihood opportunities. Recognising the importance of upskilling in today’s fast-evolving job market, the programme focuses on offering training that bridges the gap between the skills people have and the demands of modern industries. Through courses in areas like IT, healthcare, retail and digital literacy, Smile Foundation ensures that participants are prepared to meet the expectations of employers, enhancing their employability and job security.

One of the key components of this programme is its focus on personalised learning paths, much like the modern corporate upskilling model. By assessing each individual’s current skill level and tailoring the training to meet industry requirements, Smile Foundation ensures that participants receive targeted education, preparing them for specific roles in the workforce. This approach, combined with hands-on training, workshops and on-demand learning opportunities, helps create a robust foundation for long-term employment and career growth. Through this programme, Smile Foundation is fostering an environment where individuals can not only secure jobs but also build lasting careers, thereby contributing to economic growth and societal development.

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