Haiderpur is a village of semi urban area located in North West Delhi with around 85000 individuals residing in its various slums, clusters and colonies. Haiderpur along with its six sister blocks- Shalimar village, Sahipur, Badli, Rampur, Samaypur and Rajapur have a population in which maximum people belong to the lower income groups and have less education. it consists of a mixed bag of individuals with around 70% of its population consisting of migrants from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. These migrants work majorly in the unorganized sector as daily wage workers, domestic workers, rickshaw pullers, rag pickers and masons. Youth in the area constitute 40% of the population of the area. They lack english speaking skills which seems to be a major hindrance in their pursuit of developing their lives. There is an urgent need to cater to the needs of these individuals and make them market ready for their effective contribution in the growth of the nation.
The aim of this project is to train the youth in basic retail and management skills, spoken English skills, personality development, computer and other soft skills. The project will address the acquisition of knowledge, practical competencies, knowhow and attitudes necessary to perform a certain trade or occupation in the employment sector. It will also be crucial in enhancing competitiveness and contributing to social inclusion, decent employment and poverty reduction.
Smile Foundation has partnered with Pratigya Educational Initiative Society for the implementation of this STeP project.