Smile Foundation has joined hands with Action for Autism for this novel Mission Education project in Delhi, focusing on special children suffering from Autism. The project focuses on reaching out to the vast number of children suffering from Autism across India and building an integrated approach of development for them with prime attention on Diagnosis and Assessments, Early Interventions & Counseling, Education, Family & Parent Skill Building and Life Skills Training.
The objective of the project is to help enable these children learn and function intellectually, physically and socially within their limitations. Children who have been diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorders are put into a structured curriculum – those between 2-8 years old get intensive intervention; those aged 8 years are taken for more generalized intervention. The socio-economic background of the children is also taken into consideration for developing an effective learning approach. Each class is a combination of group activities and one on one session with each child.
The project focuses on developing Individualized Education Programme (IEP), according to the needs and ability of each child. High level of parent involvement is encouraged at the centre. Parents are asked to come, watch and work with their children so that they can try the same methods at home.