On 4th August 2013, An Employer Engagement Program(EEP) was organized in STeP training center Prayas(patna). Mr.S.K.Sinha an ex banker visited the STeP center for an orientation to the trainees.
The role of Employer Engagement program is to implement and co-ordinate all programs of employment assistance like registration, placement, career guidance, employment market information and studies in various retail sectors.
Employment Exchange are responsible for collecting information about employment both public and private sector.
Training facilities, individual information, Group discussion, Old case review, higher studies are conducted with job seekers by Different Job Holders.
Mr.S.K.Sinha demonstrated the significance of being job oriented in the present scenario. He said “IN present scenario it is really very difficult for the government to create jobs for every unemployed youth. To overcome this problem there is a need to revamp education system by laying special emphasis on vocational courses.”
Vocational training plays an important role in preparing and qualifying citizens to meet the State requirements for a qualified national labor force in various vocational and technical areas.