On 25 february, 2012 at 10:15 a.m. at Birla Auditorium jaipur. On the specific day,the well- known auditorium, which has capacity of around 400, was left with no space well before the scheduled time. From District Collector to college students, everybody was willing to listen to the words of wisdom by the eminent speaker.The deliberation by Shiv Khera began after welcome by Mr. Mahendra Singh Suraana, Retired IAS Officer and Advisory Editor, DainikBhaskar.
His approximately 2 hours long deliberation included:
Difference between Winners and Loosersis that certain habits are disliked by successful as well as unsuccessful people but while unsuccessful people don’t develop them, successful people follow them still.
On a good day or bad day output of a professional remains the same.
Form habits and habits will form you. If you form good habits you will become a good person. But if you form bad habits you will become bad.
Good habits come with difficulty but make life easy. Bad habits come easily but make life difficult.
Practice doesn’t make things Perfect, it only makes things Permanent. Only Perfect Practice makes things Perfect.
Only two skills will matter in future which is dominated by technology – inter-personal skills and selling skills.
Don’t make commitment with anybody else but with yourself.
Difference between promise and commitment is that promise is with others commitment is with self.
At the end of each day we should spare 5 minutes to review what we have done during the day and commit overcoming of our shortcomings.
There were many more messages. Shri Shiv Khera used instances from his life and around to demonstrate these.
Feedback of Students
Students found the messages highly inspiring. His manner of communication was itself a class of public speaking and communication. Students commented that it was an event of lifetime for them.